Types of Rhinoplasty Surgery

Similarly, to many plastic surgery procedures, nose surgery or rhinoplasty has very different indications for the different types of rhinoplasty problems or aesthetic deviations. Rhinoplasty, performed by a Plastic Surgeon with good solid training, should help correct deformities or enhance the aesthetics of the nose of the patient. The correct procedure in the right hands can reduce the size of the nose, enhance or diminish the tip, or even rebuild after an accident. If you are looking to undergo a Rhinoplasty in Dubai, make sure you choose your surgeon carefully and check on his experience in this field. This can be a very difficult and always exacting surgery, so be sure. Dr Toledo does his Rhinoplasty consultations with the help of computer imaging. This way the patient can see the limitations of and the projected surgical result.

Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty

The human nose is one of the most sensitive organs of the body. Its delicate anatomy makes it easily susceptible to damage. An accident can cause a whole range of problems such as difficulty breathing, damaged cartilage, structural change, broken bones, internal deviations, etc. In post-traumatic rhinoplasty, the surgeon addresses injuries caused to the nose and its framework.
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Reduction Rhinoplasty

With reduction rhinoplasty, the name reveals the description of the procedure. This procedure is performed to reduce the size of the nose. In this procedure, the surgeon either reduces the overall size or focuses on one region of the nose. During rhinoplasty, the surgeon removes part of the bone and the cartilage to give the nose its desired shape.

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

In augmentation rhinoplasty, a patient with low nasal height can increase the structure of their nose with the help of an implant or autologous tissue. Some of the causes of a low nasal height can be trauma, excessive reduction rhinoplasty, congenital defects, infection, etc. Augmentation rhinoplasty is indicated for a person looking to streamline a nose which might be flat and lacking in projection.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

In this procedure, the size of the nose is increased or decreased, misshapen or disproportionate nostrils are contoured and any breathing problems related to a deviated septum are corrected – all the while keeping the ethnic characteristics of the patient intact. This is usually a very important consideration of the patient and to the patient. This procedure is for patients who do not want to lose their unique ethnic features after plastic surgery.

Revision Rhinoplasty

As with any surgery, an ill-trained surgeon can cause damage and generate problems in the function or the aesthetics of the nose, or both. In revision rhinoplasty, the surgeon will attempt to correct the problems caused by previous surgeries. Secondary Rhinoplasty is usually much more challenging than primary surgery and some experienced Plastic Surgeons become well known and sought after for their secondary, Rhinoplasty skills.

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

In reconstructive rhinoplasty, the nose of the patient is reconstructed where the tissue is beyond recovery. Generally, such a situation occurs due to facial trauma or cancer and the nose can become severely disfigured. During the surgery the tissue of the nose is restored by using grafts and flaps sourced from other areas of the patient. This requires a highly specialised surgical skill that comes only after many years of experience in the field.

Refinement Rhinoplasty

This rhinoplasty procedure focuses especially on improving the tip of the nose. The surgeon should be able to give the tip of the noses the desired projection and refinement.

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