What is a Silhouette Facelift?

A Silhouette Facelift is an exciting new face lift technique that is both effective and suitable for both men and women who experience early jowls or mid-face drooping. This form of cosmetic surgery differs from a facelift in the following ways:

o Instead of a general anaesthetic, a Silhouette Lift is performed under a local anaesthetic.
o Slight bruising and swelling will be experienced after this kind of cosmetic surgery, but this is minimal in comparison to a facelift. 

o The procedure is performed in under an hour in comparison to a facelift which can take up to three hours. 

o Although not a replacement for a facelift, the Silhouette Lift offers an alternative that delivers a similar result via a procedure that is lower in price, with fewer risks and with far less downtime. While the procedure doesn't sport dramatic results and isn't as long lasting as a face lift, it is an excellent alternative.

Who Can Benefit from a Silhouette Lift?

As we age, both men and women tend to experience facial skin sagging and skin laxity - this can be attributed to Mother Nature and is often not very welcomed by those who wish for their skin to maintain its youthful appearance, without starting to rearrange its position on our faces! Along with the sagging skin, we tend to develop more prominent nasolabial folds (smile lines), expression lines and a shape change in our cheeks, neck and face. Whatever reason you choose to have a Silhouette Facelift, patients will be glad to know that all the above can be successfully treated with a Silhouette Lift.

Regardless of your motivation for opting for the Silhouette Facelift - whether you want to correct ageing skin or just want to boost your confidence and be rid of a life-long complex - this procedure will be able to help you effortlessly reclaim more youthful looks and benefit from more confidence and a heightened self-esteem. This type of facelift is also ideal for patients who suffer from:

o Sagging cheeks and mid face.
o Sagging jowls.
o Sagging neck.

What Does the Procedure Entail?

A Silhouette Facelift is performed under local anaesthetic, in only 1 session and offers a safe and less invasive way of helping patients turn back the clock on their skin! The procedure takes between 25-45 minutes, depending on the area that is being treated and the total number of Silhouette Threads that need to be used. Once the local anaesthetic has been administered, the cosmetic surgeon makes small incisions in the side of the forehead (the temporal region) which is hidden in the patient's hairline. It is through these incisions that the Silhouette Threads are then gently passed. These sutures are the most innovative sutures to date. Tissue damage is avoided due to the fact that the sutures aren't barbed and are made up of a material that is biocompatible with the human body. It is this same material, polypropylene, that has been used in cardiovascular and ophthalmic surgery for many years. Thanks to these innovative sutures, problems of movement, breakage and pain are reduced without side effects.

The Good Life Following Silhouette Facelift

Patients will be comforted by the fact that there are no side effects from this type of cosmetic procedure and the results have proved systematically reliable. Post-procedure, patients may experience some bruising or swelling, but can usually resume normal activities within 2 days. You can then step out into the world with a new sense of confidence - any facial tiredness is erased and you will have a younger, very natural appearance to be proud of for years to come!

If you are considering undergoing a silhouette thread procedure, contact the Luiz Toledo Clinic to arrange a consultation. Dr. Luiz Toledo has years of surgical experience and is the cosmetic plastic surgeon who expertly performs the Silhouette Facelift procedure and Facial Liposculpture Dubai.


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