The Most Common Cosmetic Surgeries in Dubai

Cosmetic surgery is a great way to enhance the beauty or to rectify any natural flaws. Cosmetic surgery can improve the appearance and tighten the skin, add hairs, remove excess hair, adjust facial features, and much more.

However, contrary to the popular belief, cosmetic surgery is not performed solely to enhance the aesthetics but also for medical reasons. Cosmetic surgery can help restore the natural function of the body in patients who have suffered a loss of a limb in accidents or to repair scars.

There are several different types of cosmetic surgeries performed by cosmetic surgeons in Dubai. Here are the 7 most common cosmetic surgeries in Dubai:
  1. Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation tops the charts when it comes to cosmetic surgery. It is a procedure performed to increase or change the shape of the breast. When the surgery is performed to increase the size of the breast, it may also be referred to as breast implant surgery. Most people confuse breast augmentation with a breast lift or breast reduction; however, these are different types of surgeries.
  1. Dermabrasion
Dermabrasion is a cosmetic surgery performed to correct acne scars, crow’s feet, sun-damage skin, age spots, wrinkles, and growth or lesions on the skin. The cosmetic surgeon uses a specialized tool to sand off the top layer of the skin. After the treated area heals, new skin replaces the old.
  1. Facelift
The procedure is used to correct drooping, sagging, loose, or wrinkled skin on the face of the patient. With the help of this procedure, the patient obtains a youthful appearance on the face and the neck. The cosmetic surgeon removes the excess skin from the face and the neck tightening the loose or hanging skin around the jawline.
  1. Hair Transplantation
Also known as, hair restoration surgery, the procedure is performed to reduce the signs of baldness by implanting hairs on the bald regions of the patient. In this procedure, hair follicles are removed from the thick hair region and implanted in the bold area.
  1. Rhinoplasty
Nose surgery is the common name for Rhinoplasty. The surgery is performed to reshape or repair the nose of the patient. Rhinoplasty is performed to increase or reduce the nose size, rectify any errors of the nose caused due to injury, correct birth defects, relieve breathing problems, change the shape of the nostrils, bridge, or the angle of the nose.
  1. Lip augmentation
Lip augmentation provides the patient with fuller and succulent lips. Dermal fillers are injected into the lips, which increases the shape, volume, or the structure of the lips. However, this procedure is not permanent. The effect of this procedure generally lasts up to 6 months.
  1. Abdominoplasty
Abdominoplasty is commonly known as tummy tuck; it is used to remove the excess fat from the stomach and improve the shape of the tummy.

Dr. Luiz Toledo is the ideal cosmetic surgeon for any type of cosmetic surgery in Dubai. He has several decades of experience and thousands of satisfied clients.


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